About the Artist



I have always enjoyed drawing organic shapes.  As a child my passion for baseball led me to my first remembered attempt at art. I lost myself in pencil drawings of baseball players in action:  batting, running, fielding, pitching. I soon was pulled to the detail in faces and portrait drawing became my focus. As time progressed I also began drawing animals.

The first time I went to college in 1969 it never occurred to me to major in anything but art. I worked mostly in acrylics painting predominately abstracts derived from nature.

I returned to college in 1996 this time majoring in Film/Video, and Electronic Media with a focus on Animation. My background in animation has helped my paintings come alive due to my new awareness of how the body moves. If you want to animate something you need to tell a story. This led me to writing “The Wizards Choice”. The original idea was to program an interactive story book and animate the animals by pressing on trigger points on each page.

I have a long interest in practicing yoga. This practice led me to my Chakra Series of paintings. The approach to these paintings brought a new challenge because it required research before painting. Each chakra is represented by a basic shape, color, and emotion. If my painting is true it should represent the thoughts, emotions, desires, goals, and ideal of each chakra. The chakra paintings lend themselves well to t-shirt design. Designing t-shirts with the chakra symbols is a natural progression.

My desire with this website is to bring together the ideas and projects of the past which will lead me to the focus of my art in the future. I appreciate the time you spend with me.

