About Chakras

Chakras are the energy centers running along the spine to the crown of the head. They represent different levels of consciousness. Prana, or our life force, travels these  energy centers. The more freely our prana travels these energy centers running along the spine, the more in balance and enlightened we become.


Sahasrara (Violet) is located at the crown of the head. This is where the ego dissolves and unites with the infinite consciousness. This is the highest state of enlightenment where it is known that all things are connected as part of one.

Ajna chakra print for sale

Ajna (Indigo), a combination of blue and red is located at the third eye which is above and between the eyes. Rather than seeing with our eyes the 3rd eye sees with intuition, dreaming, and visualization. It is the spiritual gateway to enlightenment.

Vishudha chakra for sale

Vishuddha (Blue) is located in the V of the collarbone and is known as the throat Chakra. It relates to the power of verbalization and communication not just with the world we see, but also with communicating information from the other Chakras.

Anahata ckakra print for sale

Anahata (Green) is located in the upper chest and is known as the heart Chakra. It is the center for loving kindness for all living beings and is where the journey to the upper Chakras begin. Love is the true power that will enable us to attain our goals.

Manipura chakra print for sale


Manipura (Yellow) is located at the navel. It relates to our place in the world; assuming control of one’s life. This Chakra is associated with fire, intellect, digestion, personal goals; and has to do with our identity in the world through achievement.

Svadisthana (Orange) is located in the lower abdomen. It is associated with relationships, desire, sexuality, creativity, and intuition. When in balance the focus is on creativity and artistic pursuits.


Muladhara (Red) is laocated at the base of the spine and therefore known as our root chakra. It has to do with our basic physical survival needs: security, food, shelter, money, and material things.